More Athlons

Super Programmers - pentathlon

Users who have a reputation of at least 1,000 points in each of Stack Overflow, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science and Code Review.

In the tradition of the ancient pentathlon, this is a list of those whose contribution to the assistance and education of Stack Exchange users spans multiple disciplines. It is presented in the spirit of competition so that each may strive to build their achievements even higher.

Stack OverflowSoftware EngineeringComputer ScienceTheoretical Computer ScienceCode Review Total Rep Total Badges Gravatar User Name
Laurel Wreath Two Laurel Leaves Laurel Wreath Two Laurel Leaves One Laurel Leaf 127,334


Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
Laurel Wreath Three Laurel Leaves One Laurel Leaf Two Laurel Leaves Three Laurel Leaves 69,881


Petr Pudlák
Laurel Wreath Three Laurel Leaves Three Laurel Leaves Two Laurel Leaves One Laurel Leaf 52,787


Three Laurel Leaves Three Laurel Leaves One Laurel Leaf One Laurel Leaf Laurel Wreath 34,862


Peter Taylor
Stack OverflowSoftware EngineeringComputer ScienceTheoretical Computer ScienceCode Review Total Rep Total Badges Gravatar User Name

The Stack Exchange Network is a family of sites offering free Q&A on a variety of subjects. According to their respective FAQs and About pages, Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, Software Engineering is for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle, Computer Science is for students, researchers and practitioners of computer science, Theoretical Computer Science is for theoretical computer scientists and researchers in related fields, and Code Review is for peer programmer code reviews.

Totals do not reflect points and badges earned on other related sites.

Within levels, users are sorted so the ones mostly likely to move up soonest are higher.

User name and gravatar are from the site for which each user has the highest number of points.

This site is not affiliated with Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow or any of their family of sites.

The data used to produce this page is covered under a Creative Commons license and is retrieved using the Stack Exchange API.

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